AO: This 2009 co-authored article offers a “research in progress” report by the different authors seeking to bring about conversation about how social cultural anthropology (dis)
AO: The analysts call for more deliberation as a process where everyone concerned by the decision is considered a valid moral agent, obligated to give
AO: “Deciding on rules of engagement or drawing up memoranda of understanding is a critical process in research collaboration, and one that may need to be revisited and
AO: In intro: Global North (former European colonial powers and their North American successors) and global South (formerly colonized world). The analysts note interestingly that
AO: in this case study, the analysts are concerned with the ethics of data sharing, and the development of policies and guidelines to support practice.Read more
Abstract: Experiments in collaboration open new investigative possibilities for cultural anthropologists. In this report, we use our research on matsutake mushrooms to show the promise of collaborative experiments for ethnographers of scale making, global connection, and human–nonhuman relations...Read more
AO: This group thinks of how to move away from connections as understood in terms of the functional requirements of capitalism or an integrated world system. They note: “that is
AO: The analysts note that public medical research is under threat from particular economic and political interests. They also note public-private partnerships that emphasize...Read more
AO: They describe various collaborative experiments that they have undertake as academics working with other academics on knowledge production which they call “strong collaboration
AO: Arguing against, “big science” model, Tsing notes that since good fieldwork is supposed to change the fieldworker’s research questions, standardized questions, goals, and methods
Abstract: Scientific work is heterogeneous, requiring many different actors and viewpoints. It also requires cooperation. The two create tension between divergent viewpoints and the need for generalizable findings. We present a model of how one group of actors managed this tension. It draws on...Read more