Aellah, G., T. Chantler, and P. W. Geissler, eds. 2016. Global Health Research in an Unequal World: Ethics Case Studies from Africa. Wallingford: CABI.

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Contributed date

July 24, 2018 - 3:21pm

Critical Commentary

AO: This book is a collection of fictionalized case studies highlighting everyday ethical dilemmas and challenges often encountered in the process of conducting global health research in Africa. The authors intend for this to be a training tool to fill the gap between research ethics guidelines and their implementation "on the ground". The case studies focus on the everyday or "relational" ethics: ethical actions and ideas that emerge through relations with others in context, rather than in universal principles or abstract regulations.


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Aellah, Chantler and Geissler, "Aellah, G., T. Chantler, and P. W. Geissler, eds. 2016. Global Health Research in an Unequal World: Ethics Case Studies from Africa. Wallingford: CABI. ", contributed by Angela Okune, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 24 July 2018, accessed 9 March 2025.