AO: Tsing describes a two model binary that distinguishes the kinds of collaborations amongst anthropologists: “big science” model and intimate authorship arrangements. She notes
AO: Arguing against, “big science” model, Tsing notes that since good fieldwork is supposed to change the fieldworker’s research questions, standardized questions, goals, and methods
AO: The analysts note that research ethics cannot be separated from the economic context of global research (“Material realities dictate ethical possibilities, and
AO: The analysts call for more deliberation as a process where everyone concerned by the decision is considered a valid moral agent, obligated to give
AO: This 2009 co-authored article offers a “research in progress” report by the different authors seeking to bring about conversation about how social cultural anthropology (dis)
AO: The analysts note that university institutional requirements for junior scholars in social cultural anthro make collaboration difficult. “Collaboration is difficult in cultural
AO: “Deciding on rules of engagement or drawing up memoranda of understanding is a critical process in research collaboration, and one that may need to be revisited and
AO: Analysts do not provide a “right answer” at the end of their fictitious stories, highlighting their assumption that there is not one right way to tackle the ethics
Abstract: There are three components to boundary objects as outlined in the original 1989 article. Interpretive flexibility, the structure of informatic and work
process needs and arrangements, and, finally, the dynamic between illstructured
and more tailored uses of the objects. Much of...Read more
AO: The technology is less of the focus within the stories although they talk about bringing in of equipment, riding around in land rovers, etc.Read more
Peter Galison looks a the collaborative practices of microphysicists to develop his theory of "trading zones". Read more