AO: Analysts cite Hockey (2012) who uses the term “indirect collaboration” to describe the “reusability” of data and tools produced in the academy that find application and use
AO: Analysts note that in crossdisciplinary collaborations, individuals experience their alterity and both sides’ work is defamiliarized and out of that emerges a need
AO: The analysts are worried about risks and harms involved in research (1)
AO: “Community peer review is premised on the idea that research is not
AO: Citing Star, Kenner holds that the technical infrastructure and human expertises (the “standards, wires, and settings”) need to be understood to understand the “aesthetics, justice, and...Read more
AO: The analysts wonder what factors can be targeted to increase information sharing within organizations. They explicitly are writing this paper for those working within
AO: iterative discussion; Kenner holds that “open participation in academic culture should be principles that guide the design of digital infrastructure” (284)Read more
AO: Analysts note that an understanding of machines as collaborators in knowledge production, and an awareness of the impacts of materiality on such production, becomes a
AO: The analysts do not expressly use the term collaboration. However, I have included this reading because I believe the analysts are in fact describing their version of what
AO: The analysts are very strong at the nano, meta, macro levels. They are largely missing an eco level of analysis (at least as expressed in this genre which was targeting natural...Read more
AO: Kenner writes: “The need and desire for digital infrastructure—often seen as a format that can extend the reach of our work—creates opportunities for collaboration with experts...Read more
AO: The analysts cite similarities with feminist methodological work from the 1980s and 1990s where questions of “what counts” (what knowledge, what skills, what experience etc.)
AO: The analysts describe the process of community peer review as: “hiring a community member to the team; researching the social, cultural, and economic contexts of the community;