AO: Cerwonka and Malki focus on Cerwonka’s experience and feelings in the field, turning the gaze on her. They focus less on Malkki and do not explicitly write about their...Read more
AO: The analysts iterated the importance of self-reflection on practices in order to better create a “respectful collaborative space... for scholarship to flourish.” They argued that
AO: Jazz is used as a metaphor to describe the relationship between the two co-authors. (“we have a beautiful thing between us”) (549). “The magic of jazz, the harmonious interplay
AO: Cerwonka and Malkki use an interpretive approach to think about questions of hermeneutics and epistemology especially with regards to ethnographic fieldwork. (page 2)
Cerwonka and Malkki situate ethics as a key frame for their book project highlighting the pragmatic challenges and choices characteristic of fieldwork as they intersect...Read more
AO: Making explicit those things that “go without saying.” (page 3). This is an example of how/why cross-disciplinary collaborations can be productive because they help to make the
AO: Authors note that attention needs to be paid to external factors like communications channels, governmental initiatives, travel money, intergovernmental science programs, and
AO: I find this quote to be very important because many of the recent discussions about Open Access and HAU focused on the open access business models, the individuals and their abuses of power,...Read more
AO: They believe research collaboration is important as it can deliver intellectual and emotional synergy. They note that their authorial voice cannot be distinguished between the
AO: The analysts mention that they usually work physically separated from each other and use mail or modem to exchange and edit drafts. They note that once in the course of any project...Read more
AO. The co-authored book is the collaboration itself, but the authors don't spend much time reflecting on that and instead focus on their communications and back and forth exchange
JA: In this article, Carey Kaplan and Ellen Cronan Rose discuss their long-term experiences collaborating together on various writing projects.Read more