AO: I find this quote to be very important because many of the recent discussions about Open Access and HAU focused on the open access business models, the individuals and their abuses of power,...Read more
Collaboration (perhaps we could even go so broad as saying discussing/writing about our work with others) necessitates making
AO: Authors note that attention needs to be paid to external factors like communications channels, governmental initiatives, travel money, intergovernmental science programs, and
Cerwonka and Malkki situate ethics as a key frame for their book project highlighting the pragmatic challenges and choices characteristic of fieldwork as they intersect...Read more
AO: Cerwonka writes: “one of my motivations for collaborating with Liisa on this book was my sense that as more and more scholars undertake interdisciplinary work, they face
AO: Analysts do not note specific practices but they call for “strengthening of respectful collaborative spaces for scholarship to flourish in a way that is truly concerned with...Read more
AO. The co-authored book is the collaboration itself, but the authors don't spend much time reflecting on that and instead focus on their communications and back and forth exchange
AO: The authors focus primarily on meso level analysis given that their focus on institutional co-authorship. They lack any sort of nano or micro level analysis and mention legal and
AO: They do not discuss this as much but the correspondence was largely only possible because of Internet and email. These are largely like letter correspondence previously (between...Read more