AO: They describe how they work together: “Ellen sits at the computer and Carey on the window seat nearby; one starts a sentence and the other finishes it. At the end of several hours...Read more
Cerwonka and Malkki situate ethics as a key frame for their book project highlighting the pragmatic challenges and choices characteristic of fieldwork as they intersect...Read more
AO: The authors focus primarily on meso level analysis given that their focus on institutional co-authorship. They lack any sort of nano or micro level analysis and mention legal and
AO: The analysts are thinking over the valuing of volunteer labor within scholarly collaborative projects. How not to broad-brush categorize all scholarly work that doesn’t have a
AO: Authors note that attention needs to be paid to external factors like communications channels, governmental initiatives, travel money, intergovernmental science programs, and
AO: Cerwonka and Malkki use collaboration (in analysis and write-up) as a way to make explicit assumptions (about method, interpretation, etc.) and as a way to “tack” between theory
AO: Their data is the email correspondence between Malkki (member of committee) and Cerwonka as she was in Australia for her fieldwork. They used the emails in a class (taught at UCI
AO: The paper puzzles over why there might be more collaboration in a theoretical field like mathematics over others where they assumed material constraints like lack of expensive
AO: This example of collaboration would fit under what Matsutake Group called intimate co-authorship (on the opposite spectrum of “Big Science”). They spend the essay reflecting on the...Read more