AO: Analysts highlight attention is needed to the gendered forms of harassment, bullying, and abuse within anthropology and to the ways that exclusion and exploitation along the
AO: Making explicit those things that “go without saying.” (page 3). This is an example of how/why cross-disciplinary collaborations can be productive because they help to make the
AO: The authors focus primarily on meso level analysis given that their focus on institutional co-authorship. They lack any sort of nano or micro level analysis and mention legal and
AO: Their data is the email correspondence between Malkki (member of committee) and Cerwonka as she was in Australia for her fieldwork. They used the emails in a class (taught at UCI
“More important, good social research clearly demands a highly developed, ceaseless, daily engagement with ethics as a process—an engagement that far exceeds the requirements of...Read more
Cerwonka and Malkki situate ethics as a key frame for their book project highlighting the pragmatic challenges and choices characteristic of fieldwork as they intersect...Read more
AO: The authors talk about how lack of lab materials, etc. may incentivize greater collaboration in certain fields.
AO: Shared commitments, intellectual, ideological and political convictions and assumptions (in this case, commitment to lucid writing; significance between popular and “high”
AO: “Many publishers and funding agencies have encouraged interdisciplin- ary work in the last twenty years. However, my mentors in graduate school rightly understood that the