A new appreciation for the analytic structure, from reading Bion on L,H,K – and refs to Poincare and Galileo, where some point or come concept or some question, no matter how crude, is necessary to bring order or at least coherence or sense. It’s the work of the depressive-reparative position, to counter? Complement? Contain? The paranoid-schizoid attention to detail and specificity (also then the work of care)
Lots of things from here: 1.create memos, lots of em, to put in PECE as the analytic work behind the differences essay. 2. A book on psychoanalysis and science 3.why i continue to teach Galileo (reading Bion’s Learning from experience, and Abel-Hirsch on Bion
But i think this is actually a field note, on the analytic structure and why it needs to be archived and displayed, at least to me. I’ve been thinking about “my process” and what “doing fieldwork” means for me, and why it should be “captured” in part to legitimate myself and PECE as ethnographer and ethnographic techne: I truly have “stayed with the trouble” of gender/sex/uality, i have read and re-read obsessively, paranoiacally, changing my mind or my sympathies or my interpretations constantly, loving GWAS, hating GWAS, trying to know GWAS: x L gwas, x H gwas, x K gwas
PECE is very Bionian, I need to invent a Bionian analytic structure
Mike Fortun, "Fieldnote Dec 12 2024 - 10:22am", contributed by Mike Fortun, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 12 December 2024, accessed 23 February 2025. https://worldpece.org/content/fieldnote-dec-12-2024-1022am