Building Socio-technical Systems to Support Data Management and Digital Scholarship in the Social Sciences

TitleBuilding Socio-technical Systems to Support Data Management and Digital Scholarship in the Social Sciences
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsSmith, Plato L., Crystal Felima, Fletcher Durant, David Van Kleeck, Hélène Huet, Laurie N. Taylor, Jerome W. Crowder, Mike Fortun, Rachel Besara, and Lindsay Poirier
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
ISBN Number978-3-030-24925-0
AbstractThis chapter draws upon a variety of expert technical perspectives—in preservation, data management, metadata, and digital scholarship—to examine digital data and digital scholarship in terms of how libraries are positioned to support scholarly needs. We consider the technical needs of scholarship through a socio-technical—people, policies, communities, and technologies together—lens for data and digital scholarship in anthropology and the social sciences. There are concerns of working with living people, ethical standards, anonymity, privacy, and so forth for data and digital scholarship. Working from case studies of the University of Florida, we situate questions on technical aspects of data management, metadata, preservation, and digital scholarship in relation to the retrieval, dissemination, and presentation of digital scholarship and data, in regards to the current, new, and evolving infrastructure in libraries for data management and digital scholarship.We also discuss library services for training and education, core elements in the support systems for data and digital scholarship, and how libraries can serve as experimental labs and neutral resources brokers for research relationships within large, hierarchical organizations. The chapter also notes innovative programs such as the CLIR Postdoctoral Fellows Program for Data Curation in Latin American and Caribbean Studies.