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Mandler, Peter. "Open Access for the Humanities: Not for Funders, Scientists or Publishers." Journal of Victorian Culture 18, no. 4: 551-557.
Mancini, D., Alessandra Lardo, and M. D. Angelis. "Efforts Towards Openness and Transparency of Data: A Focus on Open Science Platforms.", 2020.
Mambrol, Nasrullah. Analysis of Derrida’s Archive Fever.
Mallard, Grégoire, Michèle Lamont, and Joshua Guetzkow. "Fairness as Appropriateness: Negotiating Epistemological Differences in Peer Review." Science, Technology, & Human Values 34, no. 5: 573-606.
Mallapaty, Smriti. "Indian scientists launch preprint repository to boost research quality." Nature.
Mallapaty, Smriti. "African scientists launch their own preprint repository." Nature: d41586-018-05543-w.
Maienschein, Jane, John N. Parker, Manfred Laubichler, and Edward J. Hackett. "Data Management and Data Sharing in Science and Technology Studies." Science, Technology, & Human Values 44, no. 1: 143-160.
Maharawal, Manissa M., and Erin McElroy. "The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project: Counter Mapping and Oral History toward Bay Area Housing Justice." Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108, no. 2: 380-389.
Magdalena, León T.. Después del “desarrollo”: “el buen vivir” y las perspectivas feministas para otro modelo en América Latina., Submitted.
Magazine, Contexts. ethnographic masking in an era of data transparency - Contexts., Submitted.
MacMillan, Katie. "More Than Just Coding? Evaluating CAQDAS in a Discourse Analysis of News Texts." Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research 6, no. 3.
MacMillan, Katie, and Thomas Koenig. "The Wow Factor: Preconceptions and Expectations for Data Analysis Software in Qualitative Research." Social Science Computer Review 22, no. 2: 179-186.
Mackey, Nathaniel. "Other: From Noun to Verb." Representations, no. 39 (1992): 51-70.
Mackey, Nathaniel. Discrepant Engagement: Dissonance, Cross-Culturality and Experimental Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
MacKenzie, Donald. "How Algorithms Interact: Goffman's ‘Interaction Order’ in Automated Trading." Theory, Culture & Society 36, no. 2: 39-59.
Mackenzie, Adrian. "More Parts Than Elements: How Databases Multiply." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 30, no. 2: 335-350.
Maantay, Juliana. "Asthma and air pollution in the Bronx: Methodological and data considerations in using GIS for environmental justice and health research." Health & Place 13, no. 1: 32-56.
Maantay, Juliana. "Mapping environmental injustices: pitfalls and potential of geographic information systems in assessing environmental health and equity." Environmental Health Perspectives 110, no. Suppl 2: 161-171.
