amerodriguez Annotations

Describe any requirements for data licensing.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 6:13pm

The CDO will establish licensing guidelines. A "Creative Commons" license is cited as an example as a license that would allow anyone to use the data at no cost. 

Creative Commons Licence

Describe any technical standards with which agencies must comply.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 6:11pm

Each dataset must have metadata descriptions, API documentation, and licensing requirements. 

The metadata will include fields for: title, description, tags, last update, publisher, contact information, unique identifier, and public access level. 

Creative Commons Licence

Who/what must comply with the data policy?

Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 6:05pm

Within 3 months of the effecitve date, each department must appoint a Data Coordinator

Within 6 months, each department must begin conducting reviews on their progress of putting data on the portal 

Within 6 months, each department will publish their datasets on DataSF

Within 1 year, the Chief Data Officer will present the mayor with an implementation plan. 

Creative Commons Licence

Describe any documentation agencies are required to produce.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 6:03pm

Within 3 months of the effecitve date, each department must appoint a Data Coordinator

Within 6 months, each department must begin conducting reviews on their progress of putting data on the portal 

Within 6 months, each department will publish their datasets on DataSF

Within 1 year, the Chief Data Officer will present the mayor with an implementation plan. 

Creative Commons Licence

Summarize the main requirements that the data policy sets forth. Describe any time restrictions placed on these requirements.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 6:01pm

Within 3 months of the effecitve date, each department must appoint a Data Coordinator

Within 6 months, each department must begin conducting reviews on their progress of putting data on the portal 

Within 6 months, each department will publish their datasets on DataSF

Within 1 year, the Chief Data Officer will present the mayor with an implementation plan. 

Creative Commons Licence

Where is the data policy document hosted?

Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 5:56pm

The Open Data Policy is hosted on American Legal Publishing Corporation in the San Francisco Charter (Chapter 22D) 

Creative Commons Licence