AO: A discursive risk in this analysis is the assumption of intellectual partners among “elite” communities. I think the example of “professionalized” Kibera research subjects who
AO: two cases of collaboration are analyzed: multi-national, publicly funded project bringing together research teams from Britain and Bangladesh and a...Read more
AO: The two authors appear to work in the field of global health (based at UK university) and focus on economic inequalities of research funding (“Research and devel- opment
AO: The authors are focused on collaboration as not equal between global North and global South partners and despite a desire to be more equal, structural inequalities continue to lend...Read more
Guidelines for data and publications;
bilingual training process “was crucial for the relationship between the doctoral researcher and the assistants to
AO: Unsurprisingly given that the authors are publishing in ICTD, the techno level of analysis is very strong. They focus on collaboration in a part of the
AO: Western researchers (with funding) assume they know the best “problem space” so design the survey whereas non-Western local researchers feel that the research design and
AO: A researcher who operates under the methodological premise of deferral allows for generative different collaborative confirgurations of ethnography (82).
AO: The authors don’t seem to question the concepts of “global North” and “global South.” (I think this is common of most of the work around this (see Pollock who also