AO: The analysts argue that within some communities (they name the Central bank of Chile or an environmental NGO in Costa Rica or an alternative art space in Tokyo), there are
AO: two cases of collaboration are analyzed: multi-national, publicly funded project bringing together research teams from Britain and Bangladesh and a...Read more
AO: The analysts argue that contemporary ethnography’s preferred collaboration is with “the expert” who is now a preferred subject because within the expert’s cultural milieu,
AO: The analysts are looking at “team science” which they note can be conducted within a single, focused discipline or can span multiple disciplines. They also describe
AO: Like Matsutake group, they explicitly note they are not interested in a division of labor (86)
AO: They give an example of collaboration with “Bert”
AO: unequal funding (Northern funding is much more prolific and then sets the agenda for the project).Read more
AO: Analysts note that “understanding of and sensitivity to cultural differences and their impact on teamwork” is important but it is unclear what kinds of “culture” they mean… Seems
AO: They do not talk about this explicitly but they note the collaborative milieu that is now the normative environment of research (which is supported by research grants and “
AO: Analysts credited their collaborators “substantial experience in Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) techniques and their willingness to utilise PRA” to make the main research
From the Introduction: "The relationship between ethnography and anthropological method is at the center of these questions raised in the Exchange presented here. On the one hand, the participants consider various questions concerning the status of ethnographic authority, and its relationship to...Read more