AO: These analysts are most interested in how collaboration shifts over time and note that organizations reposition themselves in response to new cultural forces and political-
AO: The analyst notes that decolonization in the 60s led many anthropologists to reflect on the role of the discipline in the colonial project and to be sensitive to the role of
AO: The analysts are thinking about collaboration as a politics of difference and the labour that is required to work across such different to turn diversity into a resource. They
AO: She does not point to data practices explicitly although she mentions methodology and attempts to develop more “decolonized methodologies” (citing Smith).
AO: The analyst is interested in power differentials within researcher-researched relationships and understanding why Anthroplogists are now (again) interested in engagement. She is
AO: She does not describe this but it would be assumed that the colonial acts of taking native lands and one's relationship to those lands.
AO: The editors argue that counter-experts at the level of the organization recognize how power works - not as brute force but by establishing what counts as a legitimate statement.Read more
AO: The analyst notes that even within the discipline, there is great divide over the “integrity” of research as it relates to engagement with the study community.