AO: The analysts highlight that the strategic use turning the diversity of epistemic cultures into a resource marks the politics of collaboration. It is a bit difficult to nail
AO: The analysts are thinking about collaborations between the fields of psychology and economics and believe it is important to have more in order for greater societal benefit:
AO: The editors argue that counter-experts at the level of the organization recognize how power works - not as brute force but by establishing what counts as a legitimate statement.Read more
AO: Fortun and Cherkasky note that collaboration “draws people with different interests, perspectives and skills into synchronized effort to accomplish something that could not be...Read more
AO: The greater convergence between the fields of psychology and economics which has led to distinct field of behavioral economics.
“Analysts note the
AO: The analysts are focused on the preconditions that make collaboration possible and motivate stakeholders (why would one participate in a collaboration?), the process
AO: The analyst notes that decolonization in the 60s led many anthropologists to reflect on the role of the discipline in the colonial project and to be sensitive to the role of
AO: The analysts argue that double binds are created and sustained by work within organizations. They define “organization” both as a social body in which intersubjective exchange is
AO: This is a discourse analysis of the way that organizational theorists are thinking about collaboration (authors map nine papers over 6 domains of collaboration to
Kim Fortun and Todd Cherkasky explicate how they are thinking about "counter-expertise" as "a way of taking responsibility for expert knowledge and status, while questioning the conventional role experts play in framing political choices" (1998, 141).Read more