open data


The policy states that the City will use open licenses with no restrictions on "copying, publishing, distributing, transmitting, adapting, or otherwise using the information..." Read more

Open Data Standards Legislation

I am adding this legislation to contribute to the research of open data in California.

The bill called, "Local government: public records: Internet". It was introudced Assemblymemeber Maienschein in 2015. Read more


The city manager must issue an annual report to the City Council which details the number, quality, and description of all of the datasets posted to the Open Data Portal. Read more


Within 3 months of the effecitve date, each department must appoint a Data Coordinator

Within 6 months, each department must begin conducting reviews on their progress of putting data on the...Read more

Open Data Implementation Policy

I am adding this article to contribute to the research of Open Data in California. Read more


The policy explicitly states that the information provided is only for information purposes and the City does not guarantee that is complete, accurate, or fit for any particular purpose. It also...Read more

Defining Data

The policy defines data as "Structured information" 

Open Data is defined as, "Data made open and freely available to the public to be republished, manipulated, or used in any other way...Read more

Data + Analytics

I am adding this article to contribute to the research of Open Data in California. Read more

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