AO: The analysts note the following key ideas emerging from the work:
Ethics happen in practice;
Ethical situations
AO: The technology is less of the focus within the stories although they talk about bringing in of equipment, riding around in land rovers, etc.Read more
AO: the analysts argued for three levels of debate and action: individual, institutional and structural (page 15). They argue that ethical challenges arise from
AO: Analysts do not provide a “right answer” at the end of their fictitious stories, highlighting their assumption that there is not one right way to tackle the ethics
AO: This group thinks of how to move away from connections as understood in terms of the functional requirements of capitalism or an integrated world system. They note: “that is
AO: in this case study, the analysts are concerned with the ethics of data sharing, and the development of policies and guidelines to support practice.Read more
AO: Tsing notes : “taking the knowledge claims of scientists—which focus on connection, not difference—at face value as well as training ourselves (anthropologists) in mycology and
AO: Authors are worried about how the prevalent model splits research contribution into fractions such that every collaborator dilutes the pool and they are interested in changing
Ludwik Fleck uses cases studies in the history of biology and medical science to develop his conception of thought styles and thought collectives, arguing that all knowledge is relative to epistemic communities with historically specific manners of thinking and interacting.Read more