AO: The analysts note that public medical research is under threat from particular economic and political interests. They also note public-private partnerships that emphasize...Read more
AO: Tsing notes : “taking the knowledge claims of scientists—which focus on connection, not difference—at face value as well as training ourselves (anthropologists) in mycology and
AO: The analysts note that university institutional requirements for junior scholars in social cultural anthro make collaboration difficult. “Collaboration is difficult in cultural
AO: Smell. “Can humans and mushrooms really be collaborators? Might all knowledge, then, require collaboration? If so, what might we gain by making these necessary collaborations
AO: Authors are worried about how the prevalent model splits research contribution into fractions such that every collaborator dilutes the pool and they are interested in changing
AO: Arguing against, “big science” model, Tsing notes that since good fieldwork is supposed to change the fieldworker’s research questions, standardized questions, goals, and methods
AO: They describe various collaborative experiments that they have undertake as academics working with other academics on knowledge production which they call “strong collaboration
AO: “Deciding on rules of engagement or drawing up memoranda of understanding is a critical process in research collaboration, and one that may need to be revisited and
AO: Tsing describes a two model binary that distinguishes the kinds of collaborations amongst anthropologists: “big science” model and intimate authorship arrangements. She notes