“Related” Histories: On Epistemic and Reparative Decolonization

Title“Related” Histories: On Epistemic and Reparative Decolonization
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsNeale, Timothy, and Emma Kowal
JournalHistory and Theory
AbstractWhat are we talking about when we talk about decolonization? In this article, we differentiate between epistemic and reparative decolonizing approaches and then consider the differences between postcolonial and decolonial modes in two fields: histories of science and, separately, museology. Touring these fields leads us to affirm the need for scholars to consider the consequences of their allegiances to different critical movements and moments. Whatever it will mean to decolonize history, we conclude, it is both a necessary and necessarily relational enterprise with material and conceptual excesses to address.
Short Title“Related” Histories