Developing Information Infrastructure: The Tension Between Standardization and Flexibility

TitleDeveloping Information Infrastructure: The Tension Between Standardization and Flexibility
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsHanseth, Ole, Eric Monteiro, and Morten Hatling
JournalScience, Technology & Human Values
ISSN0162-2439, 1552-8251
AbstractThis article explores the tension between standardization and flexibility in information infrastructure (II). Just like other large technical systems, the geographically dispersed yet highly interconnected II becomes increasingly resistant to change. Still, II design must anticipate and prepare for changes, even substantial ones, if infrastructure is to survive. An II contains a huge number of components that alternate between standardization and change throughout their lifetimes. These components are interdependent: when one is changed, others have to remain stable, and vice versa. The article examines theoretical concepts for frammg these aspects of an II. The empirical underpinning of the article is a study of two existing embryonic manifestations of II.
Short TitleDeveloping Information Infrastructure