Pelagios and the Emerging Graph of Ancient World Data

TitlePelagios and the Emerging Graph of Ancient World Data
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsIsaksen, Leif, Rainer Simon, Elton T. E. Barker, and Pau de Soto CaƱamares
Conference NameWebSci '14
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-2622-3

This paper discusses an emerging cloud of Linked Open Data in the humanities sometimes referred to as the Graph of Ancient World Data (GAWD). It provides historical background to the domain, before gong on to describe the open and decentralised characteristics which have partially characterised its development. This is done principally through the lens of Pelagios, a collaborative initiative led by the authors which connects online historical resources based on common references to places. The benefits and limitations of the approach are evaluated, in particular its low barrier to entry, open architecture and restricted scope. The paper concludes with a number of suggestion for encouraging the adoption of Linked Open Data within other humanities communities and beyond.
