PECE Design Group


The PECE Design Group is responsible for planning, implementing, and governing the platform's design. The group regularly meets to discuss the platform's data models, interface design, and new features. The Team also works to secure grants for future development, to write about the theories and commitments that have styled the platform's architecture, and to assess the platform's role in advancing data sharing and collaborative digital scholarship.

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PECE Design Group

The PECE Design Group is responsible for planning, implementing, and governing the platform's design. The group regularly meets to discuss the platform's data models, interface design, and new features. The group also works to secure grants for future development, to write about the theories and commitments that have styled the platform's architecture, and to assess the platform's role in advancing data sharing and collaborative digital scholarship.

Mike Fortun

Mike Fortun is PECE Design Director.  He is associate professor in the Department of Anthropology at UC Irvine. A historian and anthropologist of the sciences, his research is currently focused on data practices in genomics and environmental health research.  With Kim Fortun, he started The Asthma Files in 2007, the collaborative research project that led to the conceptualization and development of PECE.  As PECE Design Director he leads the ongoing, iterative process of PECE's conceptualization, design, and development, through research spanning poststructuralism, digital humanities, anthropology, science studies, and data and other sciences.

Lindsay Poirier

Lindsay Poirier is an Assistant Professor of Science and Technology Studies at the University of California Irvine. Her research examines the culture and politics of data infrastructure design work. Poirier is the Lead Platform Architect for PECE and the Chair of the PECE Design Team. She is responsible for prioritizing and managing platform development tasks. She also leads the technical design of the platform’s data models, workflows, and interfaces, aiming to embody feminist and post-structural theories of language and to align with research and best practice characterized in the digital humanities, information sciences, and software studies.

Brian Callahan

Brian Callahan is the Lead Open Knowledge Developer & Lead Systems Administrator for PECE. Callahan is a Lecturer in Information Technology & Web Science at RPI, and his research focuses on the infrastructural abilities and limitations of collaboration in digital spaces and beyond. He contributes to PECE's design by being the point person for systems administration tasks; as such, he communicates the needs of server admins and other backend-focused users to the design team at large, and contributes to ensuring the best experience possible for those backend-focused users.

Renato Gomes

Renato Gomes is the Lead Developer of PECE. He is a Software architect, founder and CTO at Revax. An active contributor of Free & Open Source Software projects and events. He has being involved on architecture and development of PECE platform since its first release. He is responsible for the development and maintenance of PECE software and platforms.​

Kim Fortun

Kim Fortun is a Professor in the University of California Irvine’s Department of Anthropology.  As PECE Researcher Director, she helps design and coordinate diverse research projects that run on PECE instances. 

Aalok Khandekar

Aalok Khandekar is the Platform Director for STSinfrastructures and Lead Researcher for the Air Pollution Governance 6+ Cities Research Group. Aalok Khandekar is Assistant Professor of Anthropology/ Sociology at Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IITH), India. His current research projects investigate environmental and health governance and sustainability infrastructures in the context of climate change in Indian cities. Khandekar is one of the lead researchers in Air Pollution Governance 6+ Cities Research Group. He is also platform director of STSinfrastructures, an archive, collaborative workplace and publication platform for Science & Technology Studies (STS) scholars.

Alison Kenner

Ali Kenner is an associate professor of Politics and STS at Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US. She studies environmental health problems, such as the asthma epidemic and climate change. She is a Design Team member and PECE Research Coordinator. Kenner contributes to the design of PECE through her use of The Asthma Files and Disaster STS, where she runs courses, organizes workshops, and documents her ethnographic research. Kenner has collaborated with more than two dozen Drexel students on PECE platforms, giving feedback to developers about features and navigation. 

Alli Morgan

Alli Morgan is a PhD Candidate in Science and Technology Studies at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. Her research examines the politics and practices of clinical diagnosis, particularly around difficult-to-diagnose and environmental health conditions. She is a Design Team member and PECE Research CoordinatorAlli works primarily on The Asthma Files and the Disaster STS instances of PECE and works with the Design Team to think about how to design the platform to enable collaborative work and support pedagogical use. She is also working on an instance of the platform for use by patients with chronic illnesses. 

Angela Okune

Angela Okune is the PECE Community Organizer. She is a PhD Candidate, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Irvine and studies data practices and infrastructures of research groups working in and on Nairobi, Kenya in order to explore broader questions of equity, knowledge production and socio-economic development in Africa. Okune has been involved in the conceptualization, design, and application of PECE in several initiatives including STS InfrastructuresUCI Experimental Ethnographies Working Group, and as part of my own deployment called Research Data Share. Using PECE as an elicitation device in her own fieldwork has also enabled her to gather a range of user feedback, which goes back towards the further development of the platform.

James Adams

James Adams is the PECE Platform Director for the UCI Center for Ethnography and the Project Director of Visualizing Toxic Subjects. James is a PhD Candidate in Cultural Anthropology at the University of California Irvine. His research considers how collective efforts to transition to renewable energy in Austin, Texas are influencing the structure and operation of the city’s regime of environmental governance. James uses his experience in both training new PECE users and running collaborative projects on the PECE platform to provide user feedback, pilot new features, and to help streamline the PECE workflow. 

Tim Schütz

Tim Schütz is a graduate student in Cultural Anthropology at the University of California Irvine. His current research focuses on civic data infrastructures and questions of archiving for "the Anthropocene.” Schütz is the PECE Outreach Coordinator. He contributes to the design of PECE through editing the monthly newsletter, working on the layout of project pages, and integrating multimedia content (photo and video).

Brandon Costelloe-Kuehn

Brandon Costelloe-Kuehn is a Lecturer in Science and Technology Studies at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. His research and teaching extend research in science communication into the design and development of spaces and infrastructures that facilitate collaboration on climate change, communication across difference, and students taking active roles in their education. Brandon has developed relays between PECE and the international Research Data Alliance and helped to to develop the sociotechnical infrastructure that advances capacity for sharing data between and among researchers from different backgrounds, policy makers, and diverse publics. 


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Created date

September 20, 2019

Cite as

Lindsay Poirier and Lina Franken. 20 September 2019, "PECE Design Group", Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 29 August 2024, accessed 6 February 2025.