The purpose of this introductory training course is to provide new PECE users with a conceptual understanding of PECE’s design and its affordances along with a practical knowledge of PECE’s features and how to use them.

After the completion of these training sessions, PECE users will be able to:

·      Understand and articulate what PECE is as both a collaborative research infrastructure and as an experiment in ethnographic methods and in forms of data sharing and publication

·      Create, organize, and publish new content in PECE

·      Search and discover existing PECE content

·      Comment on, annotate, and repurpose existing PECE content

·      Set up new Projects utilizing Projects, Groups, Subgroups, and othercollaboration infrastructures

·      Set up and utilize PECE’s privacy settings in compliance with IRB specifications

PECE was designed to provide research architecture for deeply collaborative ethnography, to enable secure and sustainable data sharing and archiving, and to incorporate lessons learned from post-structural theories of language into research methodology and data analysis. Click these links to read more about PECE and its historyrationale, and research questions and aims.

Session 1: General Introduction

This session discusses some of the motivations and rationales behind PECE and its development. We also go over a few essential terms and concepts that will be important as we progress through the rest of the sessions.

Session 2: Accessibility and Privacy

In this Session, trainees learn how to set up and/or use PECE’s different collaboration infrastructures, including Projects, Groups/Subgroups, and Permissions. Trainees will learn how these features can be combined by project designers to enable restrictive spaces for self-reflection, collaborative analysis, and public display.

Session 3: Creating Content

In this session trainees learn about the different types of content you can create in PECE, including (text, image, pdf, website, video, and audio) Artifacts, Field Memos, and Fieldnotes. Trainees will learn about the various affordances of these different content types and develop a sense of when and how their use may be appropriate.

Session 4: Searching and Analyzing Content

This session covers different ways of locating existing PECE content (both your own and others’) as well as how to create and utilize PECE’s analytic structures to collaboratively annotate this content. Trainees will also learn tips for making their own content easier to find and discover.

Session 5: Organizing Content

In this session, trainees will learn about the various ways that PECE content can be organized into different modes of presentation, including Artifact Bundles, Photo Essays, Timeline Essays, and PECE Essays.