Key Terms for PECE: Creating Content

Fieldsite: A fieldsite is a reference to a certain geographic location where research will be conducted. You can link artifacts to fieldsites to document where the artifact was found.

Artifact: An artifact is the basic unit of data on PECE. Artifacts represent materials that an ethnographer determines to be data relevant to the site; this can include documents, images, audio, videos, and web sites, which could include field notes, interviews, news articles, journal articles, films, etc.

Memo: A memo is a first draft of a piece of writing that may be published on the site. Upon publishing a memo, that memo is opened for comments from the platform’s community. Memos cannot be annotated.

Field Note: A field note is a type of artifact intended as a record of observations from the field. In contrast to a Text Artifact, Field Notes do not require a title or critical commentary. Once published, the field note may be associated with groups and collectively annotated.


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