Does this archive|platform aspire to create a public (following John Dewey’s arguments about the need to provoke publics into existence)? What are the hoped for e|affects of the archive?


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Ali Kenner's picture
March 12, 2021
In response to:

When I proposed this project in 2018, and began it in 2019, I don’t think I allowed myself to hope for anything as grand as creating a public. Especially because, in my experience working in Philadelphia, people need quick and easy access to information; the least amount of barriers possible. And PECE’s design is a barrier to public use, in my opinion. That means: public use needs to be very intentionally designed in by users. One way we’ve been doing this is with the slider on the home page. Or, by providing direct links to pages instead of just the link to the platform. 

I would say, on March 12, 2021, yes, we aspire to create a public using the platform. However, that’s a project unto itself that we are, very intentionally thinking about and working on.