Collaborative Ethnography and Public Anthropology

TitleCollaborative Ethnography and Public Anthropology
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsLassiter, Luke Eric
JournalCurrent Anthropology
ISSN00113204, 15375382
AbstractCollaborative ethnographythe collaboration of researchers and subjects in the production of ethnographic textsoffers us a powerful way to engage the public with anthropology. As one of many academic/applied approaches, contemporary collaborative ethnography stems from a wellestablished historical tradition of collaboratively produced texts that are often overlooked. Feminist and postmodernist efforts to recenter ethnography along dialogical lines further contextualize this historically situated collaborative practice. The goals of collaborative ethnography (both historical and contemporary) are now powerfully converging with those of a public anthropology that pulls together academic and applied anthropology in an effort to serve humankind more directly and more immediately.