“With Constructivist Grounded Theory You Can’t Hide”: Social Justice Research and Critical Inquiry in the Public Sphere

Title“With Constructivist Grounded Theory You Can’t Hide”: Social Justice Research and Critical Inquiry in the Public Sphere
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsCharmaz, Kathy
JournalQualitative Inquiry

This article addresses how constructivist grounded theorists grapple with conducting their research and use the method for social justice research and critical inquiry in the public sphere. To explicate how using this method ensues, I sought reflections from four researchers explaining why they adopted the method and how they used it. I also reviewed more than 40 constructivist grounded theory studies concerning research in the public sphere to illuminate the authors’ methodological strategies and decisions. These researchers’ reflexive stance toward their preconceptions, positions, and research actions supports exploring critical questions and fosters using grounded theory strategies to answering them.

Short Title“With Constructivist Grounded Theory You Can’t Hide”