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Bowker, Geoffrey C., Karen Baker, Florence Millerand, and David Ribes. "Toward Information Infrastructure Studies: Ways of Knowing in a Networked Environment." International Handbook of Internet Research (Submitted): 97-117.
Bowker, Geoffrey C.. "Biodiversity Datadiversity." Social Studies of Science 30, no. 5: 643-683.
Bowker, Geoffrey C.. "4. All Together Now: Synchronization, Speed, and the Failure of Narrativity." History and Theory 53, no. 4: 563-576.
Bowman, Nicholas David, and Justin Robert Keene. "A Layered Framework for Considering Open Science Practices." Communication Research Reports 35, no. 4: 363-372.
boyd, danah, and Kate Crawford. "Critical Questions for Big Data." Information, Communication & Society 15, no. 5 (2012): 662-679.
Boyd, Doug. Case Study: Interviewer-Generated Metadata » Oral History in the Digital Age., Submitted.
boyd, danah, and Kate Crawford. "Critical Questions for Big Data." Information, Communication & Society 15, no. 5: 662-679.
boyd, danah, and Kate Crawford. "Critical Questions for Big Data." Information, Communication & Society 15, no. 5: 662-679.
Boyer, Dominic, George E. Marcus, Mike Fortun, Lindsay Poirier, Alli Morgan, Brian Callahan, and Kim Fortun. "What’s so funny ‘bout PECE, TAF, and data sharing?". Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Boyer, Dominic, and George E. Marcus. Collaborative Anthropology Today: A Collection of Exceptions. Cornell University Press, 2020.
Bracher, Mark. Radical Pedagogy: Identity, Generativity, and Social Transformation. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, Submitted.
Bradley, John, and Michele Pasin. "Fitting Personal Interpretation with the Semantic Web: lessons learned from Pliny." 11, no. 1 (2017).
Bradley, John. "Silk Purses and Sow's Ears: Can Structured Data Deal with Historical Sources?" International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing 8, no. 1: 13-27.
Braman, Sandra, and Stephanie Roberts. "Advantage ISP: Terms of Service as Media Law." New Media & Society 5, no. 3: 422-448.
Brehm, Elke, and Janna Neumann. "Anforderungen an Open-Access-Publikation von Forschungsdaten - Empfehlungen für einen offenen Umgang mit Forschungsdaten." o-bib. Das offene Bibliotheksjournal / Herausgeber VDB 5, no. 3: 1-16.
Brewster, Christopher, and Kieron O’Hara. "Knowledge representation with ontologies: Present challenges—Future possibilities." International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 65, no. 7: 563-568.
Brinkmann, Svend. "Doing Without Data." Qualitative Inquiry 20, no. 6: 720-725.
Broekhoff, Marna. "Perceived Challenges to Anglophone Publication at Three Universities in Chile." Publications 7, no. 4: 61.
Brown, Susan, Stan Ruecker, Jeffery Antoniuk, Sharon Farnel, Matt Gooding, Stéfan Sinclair, Matt Patey, and Sandra Gabriele. "Reading Orlando with the Mandala Browser: A Case Study in Algorithmic Criticism via Experimental Visualization." Digital Studies / Le champ numérique 2, no. 1.
Brown, Phil. "Popular Epidemiology Revisited." Current Sociology 45, no. 3: 137-156.
Brown, S., and J. Simpson. "The curious identity of Michael Field and its implications for humanities research with the semantic web.", 77-85.
Brown, DeNeen L.. "James Madison’s plantation vowed to share power with Black descendants. Then things blew up.".
Brown, Susan, Stan Ruecker, Milena Radzikowska, Matt Patey, St Sinclair, Jeffery Antoniuk, Sharon Farnel, and Isobel Grundy. "Visualizing Varieties of Association in Orlando." Journal of the Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science 1, no. 1.
Brown, S., and J. Simpson. "The curious identity of Michael Field and its implications for humanities research with the semantic web.", 77-85.
Brown, Susan, Patricia Clements, and Isobel Grundy. "Sorting things in: Feminist knowledge representation and changing modes of scholarly production." Women's Studies International Forum 29, no. 3: 317-325.
