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Reyes, Victoria. "Three Models of Ethnographic Transparency: Naming Places, Naming People, and Sharing Data." SocArXiv.
Ioannidis, John P. A., Richard Klavans, and Kevin W. Boyack. "Thousands of scientists publish a paper every five days." Nature 561, no. 7722: 167.
Bates, Jo. "“This is what modern deregulation looks like” : co-optation and contestation in the shaping of the UK’s Open Government Data Initiative." The Journal of Community Informatics 8, no. 2.
de Chadarevian, Soraya. "Things and the archives of recent sciences." Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44, no. 4: 634-638.
de Chadarevian, Soraya. "Things and the archives of recent sciences." Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44, no. 4: 634-638.
Timmermans, Stefan, and Iddo Tavory. "Theory Construction in Qualitative Research: From Grounded Theory to Abductive Analysis." Sociological Theory 30, no. 3: 167-186.
Timmermans, Stefan, and Iddo Tavory. "Theory Construction in Qualitative Research: From Grounded Theory to Abductive Analysis." Sociological Theory 30, no. 3: 167-186.
Drucker, Johanna. "Theory as Praxis: The Poetics of Electronic Textuality." Modernism/modernity 9, no. 4 (2002): 683-691.
Kuster, M.W., C. Ludwig, Y. Al-Hajj, and T. Selig. "TextGrid provenance tools for digital humanities ecosystems.", 317-323.
Text Encoding Initiative., Submitted.
test essay | Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography., Submitted.
Daza, Stephanie L., and Francyne M. Huckaby. "Terra Incognita: Em-Bodied Data Analysis." Qualitative Inquiry 20, no. 6: 801-810.
Tennant, Jonathan P., Harry Crane, Tom Crick, Jacinto Davila, Asura Enkhbayar, Johanna Havemann, Bianca Kramer, Ryan Martin, Paola Masuzzo, Andy Nobes et al. "Ten Hot Topics around Scholarly Publishing." Publications 7, no. 2: 34.
Hutchby, Ian. "Technologies, Texts and Affordances." Sociology 35, no. 2: 441-456.
hooks, bell. Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom., Submitted.
Caswell, Michelle. "Teaching to Dismantle White Supremacy in Archives." The Library Quarterly 87, no. 3: 222-235.
Mink, John. Teaching Resistance: Radicals, Revolutionaries, and Cultural Subversives in the Classroom., Submitted.
Suber, Peter. The taxpayer argument for open access.
Tennant, Jonathan, Ritwik Agarwal, Ksenija Baždarić, David Brassard, Tom Crick, Daniel J. Dunleavy, Thomas Rhys Evans, Nicholas Gardner, Monica Gonzalez-Marquez, Daniel Graziotin et al. A tale of two 'opens': intersections between Free and Open Source Software and Open Scholarship.
Markham, Annette N.. "Taking Data Literacy to the Streets: Critical Pedagogy in the Public Sphere." Qualitative Inquiry 26, no. 2: 227-237.
Loukissas, Yanni Alexander. "Taking Big Data apart: local readings of composite media collections." Information, Communication & Society 20, no. 5: 651-664.
Loukissas, Yanni Alexander. "Taking Big Data apart: local readings of composite media collections." Information, Communication & Society 20, no. 5: 651-664.
