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Journal Article
Vera, Lourdes A., Dawn Walker, Michelle Murphy, Becky Mansfield, Ladan Mohamed Siad, Jessica Ogden. "When data justice and environmental justice meet: formulating a response to extractive logic through environmental data justice." Information, Communication & Society 22, no. 7: 1012-1028.
Venturini, Tommaso, Mathieu Jacomy, Axel Meunier, and Bruno Latour. "An unexpected journey: A few lessons from sciences Po médialab's experience." Big Data & Society 4, no. 2: 2053951717720949.
Veltman, Kim H.. "Towards a Semantic Web for Culture." Journal of Digital Information 4, no. 4.
Tennant, Jonathan P., Harry Crane, Tom Crick, Jacinto Davila, Asura Enkhbayar, Johanna Havemann, Bianca Kramer, Ryan Martin, Paola Masuzzo, Andy Nobes et al. "Ten Hot Topics around Scholarly Publishing." Publications 7, no. 2: 34.
van Panhuis, Willem G., Proma Paul, Claudia Emerson, John Grefenstette, Richard Wilder, Abraham J. Herbst, David Heymann, and Donald S. Burke. "A systematic review of barriers to data sharing in public health." BMC Public Health 14, no. 1: 1144.
Ruddell, Benjamin L., Ilya Zaslavsky, David Valentine, Bora Beran, Michael Piasecki, Qingwei Fu, and Praveen Kumar. "Sustainable long term scientific data publication: Lessons learned from a prototype Observatory Information System for the Illinois River Basin." Environmental Modelling and Software 54: 73-87.
Kapaniaris, Alexandros, and Manolis Varvounis. "Social networking and communication tools in archive ethnography: Tools for collecting, displaying and recording material or digital research notebooks?" (Submitted).
Marais, Mario, and Judy Van Biljon. "Social Mapping for Supporting Sensemaking and Collaboration: the Case of Development Informatics Research in South Africa." IST-Africa (2017).
Tenopir, Carol, Carole L. Palmer, Lisa Metzer, Jeffrey van der Hoeven, and Jim Malone. "Sharing data: Practices, barriers, and incentives." Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 48, no. 1: 1-4.
Kleinman, Daniel Lee, and Steven P. Vallas. "Science, Capitalism, and the Rise of the "Knowledge Worker": The Changing Structure of Knowledge Production in the United States." Theory and Society 30, no. 4 (2001): 451-492.
Boulton, Geoffrey, Michael Rawlins, Patrick Vallance, and Mark Walport. "Science as a public enterprise: the case for open data." The Lancet 377, no. 9778: 1633-1635.
Minkler, Meredith, Victoria Breckwich Vásquez, Mansoureh Tajik, and Dana Petersen. "Promoting environmental justice through community-based participatory research: the role of community and partnership capacity." Health Education & Behavior: The Official Publication of the Society for Public Health Education 35, no. 1: 119-137.
Nosek, B. A., G. Alter, G. C. Banks, D. Borsboom, S. D. Bowman, S. J. Breckler, S. Buck, C. D. Chambers, G. Chin, G. Christensen et al. "Promoting an open research culture." Science 348, no. 6242: 1422-1425.
Nosek, B. A., G. Alter, G. C. Banks, D. Borsboom, S. D. Bowman, S. J. Breckler, S. Buck, C. D. Chambers, G. Chin, G. Christensen et al. "Promoting an open research culture." Science 348, no. 6242: 1422-1425.
Gasparyan, Armen Yuri, Bekaidar Nurmashev, Alexander A. Voronov, Alexey N. Gerasimov, Anna M. Koroleva, and George D. Kitas. "The Pressure to Publish More and the Scope of Predatory Publishing Activities." Journal of Korean Medical Science 31, no. 12: 1874-1878.
Patrinos, George P., David N. Cooper, Erik van Mulligen, Vassiliki Gkantouna, Giannis Tzimas, Zuotian Tatum, Erik Schultes, Marco Roos, and Barend Mons. "Microattribution and nanopublication as means to incentivize the placement of human genome variation data into the public domain." Human Mutation 33, no. 11: 1503-1512.
Koch, Tomás, Raf Vanderstraeten, and Ricardo Ayala. "Making science international: Chilean journals and communities in the world of science." Social Studies of Science 51, no. 1: 121-138.
Kreimer, Pablo, and Hebe Vessuri. "Latin American science, technology, and society: a historical and reflexive approach." Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society 1, no. 1: 17-37.
van Swet, Jacqueline, Ann Cheryl Armstrong, and Christine Lloyd. "International collaboration as a patchwork quilt: experiences of developing collaborative practice and research in an international masters programme." Professional Development in Education 38, no. 4: 647-661.
