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Loukissas, Yanni, and Anne Pollock. "After Big Data Failed: The Enduring Allure of Numbers in the Wake of the 2016 US Election." Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 3: 16-20.
Panofsky, Aaron, and Catherine Bliss. "Ambiguity and Scientific Authority: Population Classification in Genomic Science." American Sociological Review 82, no. 1: 59-87.
Moore, Shaunna, and Susan Pell. "Autonomous archives." International Journal of Heritage Studies 16, no. 4-5: 255-268.
Schreibman, Susan, Stefan Gradmann, Steffen Hennicke, Tobias Blanke, Sally Chambers, Alastair Dunning, Jonathan Gray, Gerhard Lauer, Alois Pichler, Jürgen Renn et al. "Beyond Infrastructure -- Modelling Scholarly Research and Collaboration, Beyond Infrastructure -- Modelling Scholarly Research and Collaboration.".
Schreibman, Susan, Stefan Gradmann, Steffen Hennicke, Tobias Blanke, Sally Chambers, Alastair Dunning, Jonathan Gray, Gerhard Lauer, Alois Pichler, Jürgen Renn et al. "Beyond Infrastructure -- Modelling Scholarly Research and Collaboration, Beyond Infrastructure -- Modelling Scholarly Research and Collaboration.".
Pike, William, and Mark Gahegan. "Beyond ontologies: Toward situated representations of scientific knowledge." International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 65, no. 7: 674-688.
Paton, Bec, and Kees Dorst. "Briefing and reframing: A situated practice." Design Studies 32, no. 6: 573-587.
Kuhn, Tobias, Paolo Emilio Barbano, Mate Levente Nagy, Michael Krauthammer, Philipp Cimiano, Oscar Corcho, Valentina Presutti, Laura Hollink, and Sebastian Rudolph. "Broadening the Scope of Nanopublications." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 487-501. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Bareinboim, Elias, and Judea Pearl. "Causal inference and the data-fusion problem." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, no. 27: 7345-7352.
Poirier, Lindsay. "Classification as Catachresis: Double Binds of Representing Difference with Semiotic Infrastructure." Canadian Journal of Communication 44, no. 3.
Pieters, Huibrie C., and Katrina Dornig. "Collaboration in grounded theory analysis: Reflections and practical suggestions:." Qualitative Social Work.
Holbrook, Teri, and Nicole M. Pourchier. "Collage as Analysis: Remixing in the Crisis of Doubt." Qualitative Inquiry 20, no. 6: 754-763.
Currie, Morgan, Britt S. Paris, Irene Pasquetto, and Jennifer Pierre. "The conundrum of police officer-involved homicides: Counter-data in Los Angeles County." Big Data & Society 3, no. 2: 2053951716663566.
Currie, Morgan, Britt S. Paris, Irene Pasquetto, and Jennifer Pierre. "The conundrum of police officer-involved homicides: Counter-data in Los Angeles County." Big Data & Society 3, no. 2: 2053951716663566.
Currie, Morgan, Britt S. Paris, Irene Pasquetto, and Jennifer Pierre. "The conundrum of police officer-involved homicides: Counter-data in Los Angeles County." Big Data & Society 3, no. 2: 2053951716663566.
Paine, Drew, and Charlotte P. Lee. "Coordinative Entities: Forms of Organizing in Data Intensive Science." Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 29, no. 3: 335-380.
Eve, Martin Paul, Kitty Inglis, David Prosser, Lara Speicher, and Graham Stone. "Cost estimates of an open access mandate for monographs in the UK’s third Research Excellence Framework." Insights 30, no. 3: 89-102.
Parisi, Luciana. "Critical Computation: Digital Automata and General Artificial Thinking." Theory, Culture & Society 36, no. 2: 89-121.
Mauthner, Natasha S., Odette Parry, and Kathryn Backett-Milburn. "THE DATA ARE OUT THERE, OR ARE THEY? IMPLICATIONS FOR ARCHIVING AND REVISITING QUALITATIVE DATA." Sociology 32, no. 4: 733-745.
Thessen, Anne E., and David J. Patterson. "Data issues in the life sciences." ZooKeys, no. 150: 15-51.
Maienschein, Jane, John N. Parker, Manfred Laubichler, and Edward J. Hackett. "Data Management and Data Sharing in Science and Technology Studies." Science, Technology, & Human Values 44, no. 1: 143-160.
Poirier, Lindsay, and Brandon Costelloe-Kuehn. "Data Sharing at Scale: A Heuristic for Affirming Data Cultures." Data Science Journal 18, no. 1: 48.
Pitts, Andrea J.. Decolonial Praxis and Epistemic Injustice. Routledge.
Ure, Jenny, Mark Hartswood, Joanna Wardlaw, Rob Procter, Stuart Anderson, Horacio Gonzalez-Velez, Sharon Lloyd, and Kate Ho. "The Development of Data Infrastructures for eHealth: A Socio-Technical Perspective." Journal of the Association for Information Systems 10, no. 5: 415-429.
Poirier, Lindsay. "Devious Design: Digital Infrastructure Challenges for Experimental Ethnography." Design Issues 33, no. 2: 70-83.
