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Minkler, Meredith, Victoria Breckwich Vásquez, Mansoureh Tajik, and Dana Petersen. "Promoting environmental justice through community-based participatory research: the role of community and partnership capacity." Health Education & Behavior: The Official Publication of the Society for Public Health Education 35, no. 1: 119-137.
Mirowski, Philip. "The future(s) of open science." Social Studies of Science 48, no. 2: 171-203.
Misa, Thomas J., Philip Brey, Andrew Feenberg, and Paul N. Edwards. "Infrastructure and Modernity: Force, Time, and Social Organization in the History of Sociotechnical Systems." MIT Press, 2004.
Mitter, Siddhartha. "Documenta Was a Whole Vibe. Then a Scandal Killed the Buzz.".
MOKRZAN, MICHAŁ. "THE RHETORICAL TURN IN ANTHROPOLOGY." Český lid 101, no. 1 (2014): 1-18.
Moldovan, Andrei. "Descriptions and Tests for Polysemy." (2021): 21.
Monea, Alexander. "The Graphing of Difference: Numerical Mediation and the Case of Google’s Knowledge Graph." Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies 16, no. 5: 452-461.
Mons, Barend, and Jan Velterop. "Nano-publication in the e-science era.", 2009.
Montfort, Nick, Patsy Baudoin, John Bell, Ian Bogost, Jeremy Douglass, Mark C. Marino, Michael Mateas, Casey Reas, Mark Sample, and Noah Vawter. 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10. Bellingham, Wash., USA: The MIT Press.
Montfort, Nick, and Ian Bogost. Racing the Beam: The Atari Video Computer System. 2nd ptg edition. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press.
Moore, Samuel, Cameron Neylon, Martin Paul Eve, Daniel Paul O’Donnell, and Damian Pattinson. "“Excellence R Us”: university research and the fetishisation of excellence." Palgrave Communications 3, no. 1: 1-13.
Moore, Samuel A.. "A genealogy of open access: negotiations between openness and access to research." Revue française des sciences de l’information et de la communication, no. 11.
Moore, Samuel A.. Common Struggles: Policy-based vs. scholar-led approaches to open access in the humanities (thesis deposit).
Moore, Samuel A.. "Individuation through infrastructure: Get Full Text Research, data extraction and the academic publishing oligopoly." Journal of Documentation 77, no. 1: 129-141.
Moore, Shaunna, and Susan Pell. "Autonomous archives." International Journal of Heritage Studies 16, no. 4-5: 255-268.
Morelle, Louis. "THE TROUBLE WITH ONTOLOGICAL LIBERALISM." Common Knowledge 22, no. 3: 453-465.
Morgan, Alli, and Kim Fortun. "Toxic Soldiers, Flickering Knowledges, and Enlisted Care:." Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 6, no. 1.
Morris, R.J.T., and B. J. Truskowski. "The evolution of storage systems." IBM Systems Journal 42, no. 2 (2003): 205-217.
Morville, Peter. Information Architect.
Morville, Peter, and Louis Rosenfeld. Information Architecture for the World Wide Web: Designing Large-Scale Web Sites. "O'Reilly Media, Inc.".
Mößner, Nicola, and Philip Kitcher. "Knowledge, Democracy, and the Internet." Minerva 55, no. 1: 1-24.
Mosomi, Mariah. Implications of “Institutional Massification” for Academic Practices: A Qualitative study on the Perspectives and Experiences of Academics at a Public University in Kenya Conducted in light of Social-Practice Theory.
Mostern, Ruth, and Marieka Arksey. "Don't Just Build It, They Probably Won't Come: Data Sharing and the Social Life of Data in the Historical Quantitative Social Sciences." International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing 10, no. 2: 205-224.
Mottier, Véronique. "The Interpretive Turn: History, Memory, and Storage in Qualitative Research." Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research 6, no. 2.
Muasya, Isaac. "The Impact of Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) on Education in Kenya." International Journal of Arts and Commerce 1 (2012): 64-84.
