
Found 152 results
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Ferrer, Francisco. Anarchist Education and the Modern School: A Francisco Ferrer Reader., Submitted.
Fischer, Michael M. J.. Anthropological Futures., Submitted.
Gilliland, Anne, and Andrew Flinn. Community Archives: what are we really talking about?., Submitted.
Fortun, Mike, Kim Fortun, and George E. Marcus. Computers in/and Anthropology: The Poetics and Politics of Digitization., Submitted.
Fortun, Mike, Kim Fortun, and George E. Marcus. Computers in/and Anthropology: The Poetics and Politics of Digitization., Submitted.
Finkelstein, Maura. Duke University Press - The Archive of Loss., Submitted.
Fortun, Kim. Ends of Undergraduate Anthropology Education?., Submitted.
Fricker, Miranda. Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of Knowing. Oxford University Press, Submitted.
Faubion, James D., and George E. Marcus. Fieldwork Is Not What It Used to Be: Learning Anthropology's Method in a Time of Transition., Submitted.
Falco, Michael. IRB Review of Oral History Projects., Submitted.
Ribes, David, and Thomas A. Finholt. Journal of the Association for Information Systems., Submitted.
Poirier, Lindsay, Kim Fortun, Brandon Costelloe-Kuehn, and Mike Fortun. Metadata, Digital Infrastructure, and the Data Ideologies of Cultural Anthropology., Submitted.
Poirier, Lindsay, Kim Fortun, Brandon Costelloe-Kuehn, and Mike Fortun. Metadata, Digital Infrastructure, and the Data Ideologies of Cultural Anthropology., Submitted.
Fisher, Berenice Malka. No Angel in the Classroom: Teaching through Feminist Discourse., Submitted.
Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed., Submitted.
Fuller, Matthew. Software Studies: A Lexicon., Submitted.
Fortun, Mike, and Kim Fortun. View of An Infrastructural Moment in the Human Sciences., Submitted.
Fortun, Mike, and Kim Fortun. View of An Infrastructural Moment in the Human Sciences., Submitted.
Horton, Myles, and Paolo Freire. We Make the Road by Walking: Conversations on Education and Social Change., Submitted.
