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Marcus, George E.. "One Man's Mead.".
Marcus, George E.. "THE LEGACIES OF WRITING CULTURE AND THE NEAR FUTURE OF THE ETHNOGRAPHIC FORM: A Sketch." Cultural Anthropology 27, no. 3 (2012): 427-445.
Marcus, George E., and Michael M. J. Fischer. Anthropology as Cultural Critique: An Experimental Moment in the Human Sciences. University of Chicago Press.
Marino, Mark. "Critical Code Studies." electronic book review (2006).
Markham, Annette N.. "Taking Data Literacy to the Streets: Critical Pedagogy in the Public Sphere." Qualitative Inquiry 26, no. 2: 227-237.
Marres, Nootjes. Why We Can't Have Our Facts Back., 2018.
Marsh, Diana E., Ricardo L. Punzalan, Jerome Crowder, Mike Fortun, Rachel Besara, and Lindsay Poirier. "Studying and Mobilizing the Impacts of Anthropological Data in Archives." Palgrave Macillan, 2019.
Marsh, Diana E., Ricardo L. Punzalan, Jerome W. Crowder, Mike Fortun, Rachel Besara, and Lindsay Poirier. "Studying and Mobilizing the Impacts of Anthropological Data in Archives.", 163-183. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Marsh, Diana E., Ricardo L. Punzalan, Robert Leopold, Brian Butler, and Massimo Petrozzi. "Stories of impact: the role of narrative in understanding the value and impact of digital collections." Archival Science 16, no. 4: 327-372.
Marsh, Diana E., Joshua A. Bell, Candace Greene, and Hannah Turner. "Bridging anthropology and its archives: an analysis from the Smithsonian's National Anthropological Archives." Anthropology Today 37, no. 2 (2021): 19-22.
Martin, Shawn J.. "Historical Choices and Knowledge Production." Commonplace 1, no. 1.
Martin, Paul, Yin Chen, Alex Hardisty, Keith Jeffery, and Zhiming Zhao. Computational Challenges in Global Environmental Research Infrastructures. CRC Press.
Martín-Martín, Alberto, Rodrigo Costas, Thed van Leeuwen, and Emilio Delgado López-Cózar. "Evidence of Open Access of scientific publications in Google Scholar: a large-scale analysis." Journal of Informetrics 12, no. 3: 819-841.
Matheka, Duncan, Joseph Nderitu, Daniel Mutonga, Mary Otiti, Karen Siegel, and Alessandro Demaio. "Open access: academic publishing and its implications for knowledge equity in Kenya." Globalization and Health 10, no. 1 (2014): 26.
Matzner, Tobias. "The Human Is Dead – Long Live the Algorithm! Human-Algorithmic Ensembles and Liberal Subjectivity." Theory, Culture & Society 36, no. 2: 123-144.
Mauthner, Natasha S., and Judit Gárdos. "Archival Practices and the Making of “Memories”." New Review of Information Networking 20, no. 1-2: 155-169.
Mauthner, Natasha S., Odette Parry, and Kathryn Backett-Milburn. "THE DATA ARE OUT THERE, OR ARE THEY? IMPLICATIONS FOR ARCHIVING AND REVISITING QUALITATIVE DATA." Sociology 32, no. 4: 733-745.
Maxwell, Joseph A.. "The Value of Qualitative Inquiry for Public Policy." Qualitative Inquiry 26, no. 2: 177-186.
Maxwell, John W., Erik Hanson, Leena Desai, Carmen Tiampo, Kim O'Donnell, Avvai Ketheeswaran, Melody Sun, Emma Walter, and Ellen Michelle. Mind the Gap: A Landscape Analysis of Open Source Publishing Tools and Platforms.
Mayernik, Matthew S.. "Research data and metadata curation as institutional issues." Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 67, no. 4 (2016): 973-993.
Mayernik, Matthew S.. "Research data and metadata curation as institutional issues." Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 67, no. 4 (2016): 973-993.
Mayernik, Matthew S., Jillian C. Wallis, and Christine L. Borgman. "Unearthing the Infrastructure: Humans and Sensors in Field-Based Scientific Research." Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 22, no. 1: 65-101.
Mayernik, Matthew S.. "Open data: Accountability and transparency." Big Data & Society 4, no. 2: 2053951717718853.
Mayernik, Matthew S.. "Metadata accounts: Achieving data and evidence in scientific research." Social Studies of Science 49, no. 5: 732-757.
Mayernik, Matthew S., and Amelia Acker. "Tracing the traces: The critical role of metadata within networked communications." Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 69, no. 1 (2018): 177-180.
