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Barboza, Tony, and Rahul Mukherjee. Must Reads: The war on Southern California smog is slipping. Fixing it is a $14-billion problem.
Bardzell, Shaowen. "Feminist HCI: taking stock and outlining an agenda for design.", 1301-1310. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery.
Bardzell, Shaowen. "Feminist HCI: taking stock and outlining an agenda for design.", 1301. Atlanta, Georgia, USA: ACM Press, 2010.
Bareinboim, Elias, and Judea Pearl. "Causal inference and the data-fusion problem." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, no. 27: 7345-7352.
Barnes, Lucy, and Rupert Gatti. "Bibliodiversity in Practice: Developing Community-Owned, Open Infrastructures to Unleash Open Access Publishing." Marseille, France.
Barnes, Lucy, and Rupert Gatti. "Bibliodiversity in Practice: Developing Community-Owned, Open Infrastructures to Unleash Open Access Publishing." Marseille, France.
Baron, Jaimie. "The Archive Effect: Archival Footage as an Experience of Reception." Projections 6, no. 2.
Barr, Jean. Liberating Knowledge: Research, Feminism, and Adult Education. National Institute for Adult Continuing Education, 21 De Montfort Street, Leicester, LE1 7GE, United Kingdom (14.
Barry, Andrew. "Chapter 5. The Oil Archives.", 95-107. Cornell University Press.
Barry-Jester, Anna Maria. Should Prison Sentences Be Based On Crimes That Haven’t Been Committed Yet?.
Barry-Jester, Anna Maria. What Went Wrong In Flint.
Bartels, Anke, Lars Eckstein, Nicole Waller, and Dirk Wiemann. Postcolonial Justice. BRILL.
Bartels, Anke, Lars Eckstein, Nicole Waller, Dirk Wiemann, and James Odhiambo Ogone. "Epistemic Injustice: African Knowledge and Scholarship in the Global Context.", 17-36. Brill | Rodopi.
Bastian, Jeanette Allis. "Owning Memory: How a Caribbean Community Lost Its Archives and Found Its History." The Library Quarterly 74, no. 3: 379-382.
Bates, Jo. "“This is what modern deregulation looks like” : co-optation and contestation in the shaping of the UK’s Open Government Data Initiative." The Journal of Community Informatics 8, no. 2.
Bates, Lynsey A., Elizabeth A. Bollwerk, Jillian E. Galle, Fraser D. Neiman, Jerome W. Crowder, Mike Fortun, Rachel Besara, and Lindsay Poirier. "Archaeological Data in the Cloud: Collaboration and Accessibility with the Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery (DAACS).", 85-107. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Bates, Jo, Yu-Wei Lin, and Paula Goodale. "Data journeys: Capturing the socio-material constitution of data objects and flows." Big Data & Society 3, no. 2: 2053951716654502.
Bateson, Gregory. Naven: A Survey of the Problems suggested by a Composite Picture of the Culture of a New Guinea Tribe drawn from Three Points of View. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1958.
Bateson, Gregory, Don D. Jackson, Jay Haley, and John Weakland. "Toward a theory of schizophrenia." Behavioral Science 1, no. 4 (1956): 251-264.
Bateson, Gregory, and Margaret Mead. Balinese Character: A Photographic Analysis. Vol. 2. New York: New York Academy Of Sciences.
Battaglia, Giulia, Jennifer Clarke, and Fiona Siegenthaler. "Bodies of Archives / Archival Bodies: An Introduction." Visual Anthropology Review 36, no. 1 (2020): 8-16.
Battaglia, Giulia, Jennifer Clarke, and Fiona Siegenthaler. "Bodies of Archives / Archival Bodies: An Introduction." Visual Anthropology Review 36, no. 1 (2020): 8-16.
Beall, Jeffrey. "Dublin Core is still dead." Library Hi Tech News 31, no. 9: 11-13.
Beall, Jeffrey. "Dublin Core: An Obituary." Library Hi Tech News 21, no. 8: 40-41.
Becerril-García, Arianna. AmeliCA vs Plan S: Same target, two different strategies to achieve Open Access..
