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Mirowski, Philip. "The future(s) of open science." Social Studies of Science 48, no. 2: 171-203.
Ghasemi, Ehsan, and Hansel Burley. "Gender, affect, and math: a cross-national meta-analysis of Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2015 outcomes." Large-scale Assessments in Education 7, no. 1: 10.
Moore, Samuel A.. "A genealogy of open access: negotiations between openness and access to research." Revue française des sciences de l’information et de la communication, no. 11.
Gaudillière, Jean-Paul. "Genesis and development of a biomedical object: styles of thought, styles of work and the history of the sex steroids." Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 35, no. 3: 525-543.
Fleck, Ludwik, Thaddeus J. Trenn, Robert K. Merton, and Frederick Bradley. Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact. New edition edition. Chicago u.a: University of Chicago Press.
A. Canagarajah, Suresh. A Geopolitics Of Academic Writing. University of Pittsburgh Press.
Noys, Benjamin. "Georges Bataille's base materialism." Cultural Values 2, no. 4: 499-517.
Sela, Rona. "Ghosts in the archive: The palestinian villages and the Decolonial archives." GeoJournal.
Edwards, Paul. "Global climate science, uncertainty and politics: Data‐laden models, model‐filtered data." Science as Culture 8, no. 4: 437-472.
Dowsett, Leah. "Global university rankings and strategic planning: a case study of Australian institutional performance." Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 42, no. 4: 478-494.
Inefuku, Harrison W.. Globalization, Open Access, and the Democratization of Knowledge.
Tanner, Simon. Gold is a dead model for Open Access Books.
Monea, Alexander. "The Graphing of Difference: Numerical Mediation and the Case of Google’s Knowledge Graph." Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies 16, no. 5: 452-461.
Swartz, Aaron. Guerilla Open Access Manifesto.
Wyborn, Lesley, Leslie Hsu, Kerstin Lehnert, and Mark A. Parsons. "Guest Editorial: Special issue Rescuing Legacy data for Future Science." GeoResJ 6: 106-107.
Harnessing the Power of Digital Data for Science and Society.
Bai, Yang. "Has the Global South become a playground for Western scholars in information and communication technologies for development? Evidence from a three-journal analysis." Scientometrics 116, no. 3: 2139-2153.
Shrum, Wesley, Antony Palackal, Dan-Bright S. Dzorgbo, Paul Mbatia, Mark Schafer, Paige Miller, and Heather Rackin. "Has the Internet Reduced Friendship? Scientific Relationships in Ghana, Kenya, and India, 1994-2010." Science, Technology, & Human Values 42, no. 3: 491-519.
Oremus, Will. "Here Are All the Different Genders You Can Be on Facebook.".
Freeman, Melissa. "The Hermeneutical Aesthetics of Thick Description." Qualitative Inquiry 20, no. 6: 827-833.
Medina, Dr José. "Hermeneutical Injustice and Polyphonic Contextualism: Social Silences and Shared Hermeneutical Responsibilities." Social Epistemology 26, no. 2: 201-220.
Gibbs, Fred. Hermeneutics of Data and Historical Writing (Gibbs & Owens).
Evans, Will, and Sinduja Rangarajan. Hidden figures: How Silicon Valley keeps diversity data secret.
Jackson, Sarah J., and Brooke Foucault Welles. "Hijacking #myNYPD: Social Media Dissent and Networked Counterpublics - Jackson - 2015 - Journal of Communication - Wiley Online Library." Journal of Communication 65, no. 6: 932-952.
Rudmann, Dan, Kayshini Holbourne, and Elli Gerakopoulou. "Hire Everyone: Scholarly Publishing and Cooperative Sustainability." Commonplace 1, no. 1.
