PRACTICES: What “best practices” does the analyst believe make for improved collaboration?

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Angela Okune's picture
August 17, 2018
  • AO: Strategically engaging the “double binds” within which we operate. The analysts note that “double bind situations create a persistent mismatch between explanation and everyday life, throwing the ethical agent into modes of subjectivity marked by sensibilities of constraint rather than freedom. Constraint can be engaged strategically, working within, rather than in denial of contradictions.” (151)

  • AO: The analysts argue that understanding how double-binds emerge, frustrate and at times dramatically transform relationships can move our understanding and communication to new levels. (152) These can lead to a desire for explanation and solution and avoid grand theorization.

  • AO: Analysts argue that “formation of new social alliances, often across divides that once seemed rigid, is as important, and tricky, as formation of new modes of representation” (156).

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