MESO: (How) are power relations said to shape the dynamics of collaboration at this research stage? What organizations are said to shape collaborations?

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Angela Okune's picture
August 28, 2018
  • AO: The analysts note that in using the concept of refusal, “rather than “the terms of accommodation [...] being determined by and in the interests of the hegemonic [more powerful] partner in the relationship” [21: p.17], communities set the terms of how and whether research that impacts their communities should occur, be conducted, and circulate.” (7)

  • AO: The analysts note that good facilitation looks to address power relations to “[en]sure that everyone gets to participate and share ideas in a meeting, not just those who feel most comfortable speaking up and making cases for their ideas or proposals” by disrupting power dynamics that always exist in group communication [28: p.1,29]. Facilitation is crucial for moving the community meeting from a dissemination-oriented event to an ethics-oriented event.” (11)

  • AO: Community peer review is about not giving everyone the “same” rights to gain, access, or disseminate data because an evenness in those rights does not (yet) exist. Community peer review is designed as a solidarity research methodology that addresses the unevenness of existing communities—academic, industry, government, local—in scientific research.” (26).

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