poiril Annotations

Lindsay Poirier's picture
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What do you see as an important design logic for PECE?

Sunday, March 7, 2021 - 4:22pm

We had a really great conversation at a writing meeting a few months back on the etymology of invert (Latin: to turn inside out), and the assumption that critical examination happens in a binary way through inversion (just flip it). -vert comes from vertere (to turn). Vertex (highest point and derivation of 'vertical') derives from vertere as well (vertex refering to turning point or whirlpool in the 1500s and then highest point only in 1600). I think there is something to be said about the kinds of turns PECE makes. 

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What do you see as an important design logic for PECE?

Sunday, March 7, 2021 - 4:07pm

It strikes me that we don't have a design logic about working with/within/against existing materials/constraints: something about "beyond bricolage" that captures the cobbled aspect of PECE (which would also connect to a substantive logic around supporting open source/open access, which is what enables us to build from/modify to begin with). I think this is a way to honor how we are building from the best practices of other groups (RDA, archive community, design community), but constantly querying, critiquing, or rearticulating the value of these existings infrastructures in context of experimental ethnography. I might be convinced that this is a substantive logic.

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