AO. how does collaboration shift over time?

  • AO: These analysts are most interested in how collaboration shifts over time and note that organizations reposition themselves in response to new cultural forces and political-economic contexts.

  • AO: According to these analysts, the politics of collaboration requires critically engaging new associations between people, linking micro and macro processes to turn pluralism into a strategic resource. They find collectivity can not only be difficult to produce but also can be marginzalizing and alienating. (146)

  • AO: They note that challenges described are not a failed attempts at solidarity or neutrality and their goal is not to stand apart or within but “alongside,” “aligning themselves in ways that respect different positions, different kinds of expertise and new ways of assuming political responsibility.” (148)

  • AO: The analysts describing being “at risk” (which is not the same thing as identifying with the subjects of study), rather, they argue an ethnographic attitude is a mode of practical and theoretical attention, a way of remaining mindful and accountable. It is about risks, purposes and hopes embedded in knowledge projects. (160).


Analytic (Question)





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