Ethnographic Installation and “The Archive”: Haunted Relations and Relocations

TitleEthnographic Installation and “The Archive”: Haunted Relations and Relocations
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsVidali, Debra, and Kwame Phillips
JournalVisual Anthropology Review
AbstractThis essay examines the haunted relationality of ethnographic archives and anthropology, and the potential for multimodal installations to highlight these tensions while bringing anthropology toward new audiences and new types of collaborations. We argue that experimental ethnographic installations can be used to foreground complex relations among fieldwork, archives, re/dislocation, and aspiration, through nonlinear forms of argumentation and engagement. The particular cases considered are as follows: (1) Vidali’s corpus of material collected in Zambia (1986–90) and (2) Phillips and Vidali’s remixed and relocated “radio program” based on these materials and installed as a multisensorial, multimodal ethnographic exhibition in Washington, DC, Paris, and London.
Short TitleEthnographic Installation and “The Archive”